


Why buy a reversible octopus plush?

Cuddly toys are the beloved companions of our children. They can’t be separated from them wherever they go. Whether it’s day or night, our children want to have their stuffed animal at their disposal. For a long time, children and stuffed animals will be the best friends in the world. Moreover, stuffed animals have always […]

recycling broken lint

How to recycle plushies?

When we talk about recycling stuffed animals, we immediately think of our children’s comforters. Today, we are going to help you do what is necessary to avoid throwing these toys directly into the trash. Sometimes we are concerned that our children have too many soft toys in their possession. Then, sooner or later, they will […]

knitting with a child

How to knit a stuffed animal?

Knitting a stuffed animal delights everyone. We think that knitting is an activity reserved for our elders. Think again, it’s a trendy vintage, but also very practical. A bit of culture is necessary to better understand this attractive and efficient art. Originating in Japan, amigurumi is a creative hobby that consists in making small animals, […]

storing lint

How to store your stuffed animals?

Cuddly toys are invaluable to children. Not only are they their companions, but they accompany them throughout their childhood. Indeed, these toys need to be given more importance. On that note, parents should take care of these valuables of their children in the same way as the other valuables in the house. In this case, […]

Cleaning a lint

How do I clean a plush toy that doesn’t go in the washing machine?

Today we are going to teach you how to clean a plush that does not go in the machine. Whether it’s by hand, dry, or any other way, that’s what we’re going to suggest. So, get ready to take notes and find out the different ways to take care of your child and his stuffed […]

make a plush toy

How to make a plush toy?

Making a stuffed animal is one of the privileged moments you can share with your child. To reinforce your complicity, and create a bond between you; but also to teach him new things. Moreover, by doing this, you can personalize your child’s stuffed animal. In this way, you will make him happy to have a […]

wash a stuffed animal

How to wash a stuffed animal?

The methods we propose on how to wash a plush are the most effective and used by moms. Grandmother’s method used since always or new method, but equally effective to have a clean and disinfected plush. You will be satisfied with your work, but also with the health of your children. We always ask ourselves […]

Choosing a plush toy

How to choose a plush or soft toy?

Did you know that the first cuddly toy was made by Margarete Steiff, a German woman who started producing stuffed animals in 1880, using the leftover fabric from her uncle’s factory. Since that day, it has become a very popular and sought after toy for children and adults alike. It is used as a gift, […]

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